July 09, 2013 Archive July 2013

Facebook Graph Search is scary good

Donald Trump finally releases unaired RNC Obama parody

Egypt challenges whether the U.S. favors democracy at all

The worst things that have ever happened on Reddit

Silicon Valley is stoking the wrong kind of revolution

Man asks for Browns pallbearers so they can "let him down one last time"

Yahoo shuts down Internet relic AltaVista

UNC faces federal charges over complaint by sexual assault whistle-blower

4 shady ways police make drug busts

My Lap-Band disaster

Why do the rich think I'll work for free?

The delicate art of the corporate apology ad

Cleveland horror victims say thanks on YouTube

Cory Booker doubles down

Goodbye forever, Rick Perry!

Liberals should ask more of Alec Baldwin

Illinois lawmakers set to ease ban on concealed carry

"Left Behind" video game entrepreneur was ahead of his time

Bolshoi chief fired months after acid attack scandal

Cory Booker tops 50 percent in new poll

Changes in the workplace after DOMA's demise

At least 54 killed in Egyptian protest

Must-see morning clip: Jimmy Fallon's "Don't Quote Me"

Greek municipal workers strike for 2nd day

Death toll in Quebec oil train derailment expected to rise

Court rejects state secrets argument in NSA surveillance challenge

Suicide survivors need help too

"Drunk History" tries to go viral -- again

Rush to caller: Don't watch Fox News

John Roberts' scary secret powers

World's largest building opens

Rand Paul's team has another white supremacist

Orson Scott Card: Gay marriage issue has become "moot"

Texas' proposed abortion restrictions could be a financial boon for Rick Perry's sister

Starbucks: Guns welcome

Chevron shows the NSA how to spy

Texas Democrats try to defang sweeping antiabortion bill

"Angry Trayvon" video game removed from app store

7 fun tidbits from Mark Leibovich's "This Town"

Peak oil's death has been greatly exaggerated

11 disturbing things Snowden has taught us (so far)

"The Lone Ranger" failed because it wasted money

Duke University toughens sanctions against students found guilty of sexual assault

Should "Party in the USA" be the next "Star-Spangled Banner"?

Dustin Hoffman takes on America's looks obsession

Comedian Frankie Boyle's controversial tweets make TV return "difficult"