December 17, 2013 Archive December 2013

Hack List No. 8: Peggy Noonan

Loving "Beyoncé" as a black woman: The power of identification in an age of appropriation

NSA officials considering amnesty for Edward Snowden

Schultz: I’m a "One-Percenter" and "anyone who follows me on Twitter" can see my planes

Judge: NSA phone surveillance program likely unconstitutional

Admit it: Megyn Kelly's no different from Bill O'Reilly

Reporter who broke R. Kelly sex abuse allegations: "Nobody matters less to our society than young black women"

How to understand global warming better than most people, in less than a minute

Rush Limbaugh: School shootings are caused by liberalism

The AP's political editor is leaving to do PR for BP

How HBO lost its dominance

Abused by my teacher: What I learned from speaking out

I overmedicated my kid: No, it isn't ADHD -- Big Pharma's attention obsession puts children at risk

An Inside Look at the Biggest Brands in America

The Beyoncé wars: Should she get to be a feminist?

5 biggest food trends of 2013

The NRA has our children's blood on their hands

Apple's desolate neighbor: Inside Silicon Valley's largest shantytown

Worst corporate handout ever: How the government funds abusive tycoons

10 ways the War on Drugs changed forever in 2013

There are no Oscar "snubs"

More proof that America's prison epidemic is a complete disaster

Must-see morning clip: Everyone calm down, Megyn Kelly was just joking about white Santa

The Advocate names Pope Francis its person of the year

Bill O'Reilly defends Megyn Kelly, states that "Santa was a white person"

Chemicals linked to infertility, birth defects and cancer found at fracking sites

School tries to silence fifth-grader's speech on religion

Shanghai zookeeper mauled to death by tiger

"The Great Dying" redux? Shocking parallels between ancient mass extinction and climate change

Stephen Colbert performs "Silver Bells" with Gregg Allman and the National

Awards they couldn't accept: The tragic irony of Greenwald, Poitras and Snowden

David Brooks' bizarre, self-mocking column

Hack List No. 6: Erick Erickson

Firms ordered to fund $1.1 billion lead paint cleanup

Shia LaBeouf's apology for plagiarizing script may itself be plagiarized

Wal-Mart's dirty partners pay up: Fired workers win thousands

Someone is willing to pay a lot of money for a painting by George Zimmerman

GOP's lamest war ever: Why they're pretending to hate each other

1 in 10 people face water scarcity as a result of climate change

#MeninistTwitter thinks feminism is a movement about buying women flowers

Hack List No. 5: Richard Cohen

TMZ poll asks how to "refer to black people"