June 27, 2016 Archive June 2016

"Game of Thrones" needs a new big bad: With Ramsay out of the way, a villainous void must be filled

Time to end these blood bans: U.S. policy on gay and bi male blood donations is a failure—and Canada is repeating the same mistakes

The Kim Kardashian exception: Why her empire is constantly questioned—and Donald Trump's isn't

Reading Conrad with convicts: What I learned leading a book club inside a men's prison

The failure of the Second Amendment: Our founders got this one wrong in every respect

Sanders wants you to run: Bernie's plan to turn regular Americans into agents of the progressive movement

Could Trump switch gears? The line of attack against Hillary that could hurt her path to the White House

5 worst right-wing moments of the week -- Brexit delights the American right

"Game of Thrones" recap: Explosive season finale sets the great game in motion

Not keeping the faith: Donald Trump and the conning of evangelical voters

WATCH: In a just world, Jesse Williams' speech at the BET Awards would break the Internet

WATCH: CNN's Smerconish eats Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson alive for defending her boss' fascistic response to Brexit

Cameron Crowe's "Roadies": A rock 'n' roll labor of love that dares to be sentimental

WATCH: Michael Eric Dyson dismantles Trump's supportive Brexit arguments as "white supremacist nationalism"

WATCH: John Oliver deserves a gold medal for his take on doping in the Olympics

John Oliver's amazing Brexit rant: No one has torn apart the disastrous vote better than this

“I can’t believe you’re supporting Donald Trump": Jan Brewer stuns Martin O'Malley with refusal to acknowledge Trump's campaign of bigotry

Clinton, Warren meet for first 2016 campaign event

Sorry, Sanders supporters -- those exit polls you think prove Clinton won by cheating actually do nothing of the sort

#StopTheSham: Pro-choice Twitter rejoices over Supreme Court HB2 abortion ruling

Pro-choice victory: The Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion law, further shredding the religious right

High court overturns former VA governor's conviction

The RNC's cynical strategy: The party's predictable plot to peel away Bernie Sanders supporters won't work

Ousted teachers learn a lesson: Don't badmouth your kids online

Bill Cunningham's democratic lens: Style blogs owe his empowering eye for fashion a huge debt

Wake-up call for the world: Historic Brexit vote is evidence a new global order is needed

"I shouldn't have responded anyway": Justin Timberlake apologizes for BET Awards tweet

Trump lashes out at Elizabeth Warren after she joins forces with Hillary Clinton: "I think she is a racist"

5 areas the pro-choice movement needs to focus on now that Texas' abortion law has been overturned

Brexit could hammer British culture: Here's what it could mean for movies, music and visual art

Right-wing Brexit leaders retract false promises as racist nationalism explodes

Scalia's ghost haunts SCOTUS decision: Pro-choice victory prompts grave-dancing over his absent outraged dissent

Judge in Brock Turner rape case handed El Salvadoran immigrant 3 years for similar crimes, report says