May 01, 2017 Archive May 2017

"X-Men" actor Shawn Ashmore on his new thriller "Devil's Gate": "You get to explore your dreams and your nightmares"

Trump invited Philippines' leader Rodrigo Duterte to the White House, despite his abysmal human rights record

Yes, black people do tip — even when we shouldn't have to

Lawyers fight for teen held in solitary confinement for over 23 hours a day

WATCH: Mike Pence admits Trump's tax plan is likely to increase the deficit "in the short term"

The press struggles to finally break its “populist” habit for Trump

The art of rock 'n' roll belongs to the Rolling Stones

The 100 days that turned America upside down

"American Gods" are the ones we deserve: Neil Gaiman and the Starz show cast on the "long con" of religion and the struggle for lost soul of America

The "good pirates" of Somalia

WATCH: Gilbert Gottfried wants everyone to hate him less

Why potlucks are starting to get political

Fox News has fired co-president Bill Shine, former top aide to Roger Ailes

Will this be the biggest May Day ever in the US?

Be a role model: Find a healthy balance with media and technology

Trump-era anti-Semitism changed my family — we started going to synagogue

Neo-Nazis are kvelling over Tucker Carlson

Try seeing if you can tell the difference between dictators' palaces and Trump's own home

Donald Trump and the NRA: A festival of racial fear and dark fantasy

Donald Trump thought being president "would be easier" — and so did his deeply ignorant voters

Can Bill Nye – or any other science show – really save the world?

Donald Trump doesn't like the "archaic" Constitution: "It's really a bad thing for the country"

Trump invites Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines' murderous authoritarian leader, to the White House: Why should we be surprised?

White Florida principal at majority black school told staff to put white students in same class

Historian Timothy Snyder: "It's pretty much inevitable" that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy

Donald Trump didn't notify the State Department, National Security Council before inviting Rodrigo Duterte

Donald Trump will look the other way on China, as long as they deal with North Korea

WATCH: Steve Bannon's play about the 1992 Los Angeles riots is acted out by Hollywood stars

"America is winning": Here's Trump's promotional ad about his administration's first 100 days

Donald Trump doesn't understand why the Civil War couldn't have been worked out

"I don't stand by anything": Donald Trump gets angry when journalist asks him about wiretapping claims

It was working-class whites: Hillary Clinton lost a lot of Obama voters to Donald Trump, Democratic firm says

Rupert Murdoch's Trump gamble pays off: FCC says Fox can buy more local TV stations

Reports: Former Breitbart editor Sebastian Gorka is leaving the White House after he couldn't get a security clearance

Fyre Festival was "intended to fleece attendees for hundreds of millions of dollars," $100 million lawsuit claims

"A beer in one hand and the gun in the other": San Diego shooter was "relaxed" before opening fire on pool party

Stop policing Obama's money: Van Jones' "poverty tour" suggestion is absurd

WATCH: Do companies deserve loyalty anymore from their employees?

Ryan Seacrest's world domination tour continues: Kelly Ripa gets a new co-host for "Live with Kelly and Ryan"

War and peace: Donald Trump would meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "under the right circumstances"

Trump is phasing out the chaperones he appointed to keep tabs on his Cabinet

"Betrayal beyond belief": Conservatives cry foul after Republicans reach budget deal "to jettison all of Trump’s priorities"

“Hap and Leonard” ride again: Acclaimed mystery series to return for third season

America's second-largest school district says no to McDonald's McTeachers' Nights

Donald Trump's fill-in-the-blank agenda: He's now open to increasing the gas tax and breaking up the big banks

Cutting the EPA budget puts babies at risk – and makes little economic sense