January 08, 2014 Archive January 2014

Melissa Harris-Perry's "public intellectual" status brings out the nasty trolls

Catholic school not cool with gay marriage, totally cool with gay divorce

GOP is losing on unemployment insurance -- and running scared

Frozen world: Scenes from the polar vortex

Listen to Alex Trebek rap on "Jeopardy"

Mazel tov, Lily Tomlin!

Evgeny Morozov's New Yorker put-down of the Maker movement misses the point

Laverne Cox flawlessly shuts down Katie Couric's invasive questions about transgender people

McDonald's to shift to "sustainable beef" (once it figures out what that is)

Mississippi Tea Party candidate decries hip-hop and defends torture

Robert Gates in new memoir: Obama doubted Afghanistan surge would work

I am super-jealous of this cool statue some Satanists want to give to Oklahoma

Without an interpreter to help rape victim testify, alleged rapist walks free and finds another victim

The future of porn: $42K webcam shows?

"Chozen's" weak take on homophobia in hip-hop

Feminism isn't ruining your love life

Economic progressivism isn't just popular now -- it has been for years

GOP's moral conundrum on unemployment: Time to call their bluff!

"Absurd on every single level": How the feds may be crippling the legal pot industry

The digital divide isn't racial -- it's economic

5 reasons to stop using antibacterial soap

Right-wing unemployment myths, debunked: "When you look at the data, it’s just not there"

How college pricing is just like holiday retail sales

The rise of the military's secret military

Voldemort dragged into China-Japan dispute over war shrine

Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty

Another crude oil train derails and catches fire in Canada

Upcoming Roger Ailes biography alleges sexism and anti-Semitism from the Fox News tycoon

Family, medical ethicists speak out about Texas woman forced to remain on life support

Must-see morning clip: Looking for time travelers in cyberspace

Mark Wahlberg confirms "Entourage" movie

Icelandic brewery debuts "whale beer," made from real whale

Christie bridge scandal deepens: Emails show governor's aides did plan bridge gridlock

Meet the poverty liars: GOP peddles more garbage in war on the poor

Amy Poehler on black women and "SNL": "Ugh, I don't want to talk about this. Pass"

Astronauts experimenting with water that starts fires

U.S. admits review of drone strike on reported Yemen wedding party

Film critic rumored to have heckled Steve McQueen calls report "a malicious lie"

Polar vortex MVP: Wind power

When antiabortion law hurts a grieving family: Texas denies brain-dead pregnant woman's rights

GOP memo tells members how to sound empathetic about the unemployed

This map shows how suburban sprawl is destroying the environment

Maine's Tea Party governor: Bring back child labor!

Exclusive: Christie rival demands federal investigation of traffic scandal, blasts his "paramilitary operation"

Post-Stelter, has the New York Times changed its tack on Lauer's "Today"?

"SNL" hires two black female writers

Silicon Valley start-ups getting into the "spy" business

"Stuff it, Limbaugh": Al Roker proves that the polar vortex is real