April 07, 2015 Archive April 2015

"There's no way to win": Ellen Pao shakes up Reddit by eliminating salary negotiation in hiring

A gun lover sees the evils of gun culture: White supremacists, Obama haters, and me

Rutgers bans all frat parties

4th teen arrested in death of man with plastic bag over head

The orgy that changed my life

Sci-fi's right-wing backlash: Never doubt that a small group of deranged trolls can ruin anything (even the Hugo Awards)

Rhea Seehorn on the "Better Call Saul" boys' club: "I feel surrounded by fiercely intelligent, strong, courageous women"

Spanking on "Outlander": The outrage and the turn-on of the "bodice-ripper" tradition

Quotations in the News

Ted Cruz is dangerous: Why liberals scoff at his campaign at their peril

The quiet Social Security revolution: How Democrats learned to stop loving benefit cuts

Why Comcast and Time Warner must be stopped: The corporate mega-merger that threatens American democracy

"Better Call Saul": Season 1 ends with Jimmy's better nature slipping away

"Trevor Noah will earn your trust and respect... or not": Jon Stewart finally addresses the elephant in the room

John McCain announces plans to seek re-election

Jon Stewart goes nuclear on Indiana homophobia: "Do you see how f**ked up that is?!"

10 Things to Know for Today

Rand Paul's ridiculous Iran dodge: Why he's hiding behind lame "process" objections

"There's much more to the penis than meets the eye": Why men's junk is bigger than other primates'

Neocons' comical Rand Paul slam: He's worse than Hillary!

The Rolling Stone fiasco's crucial lesson: How its disastrous UVA report exposes our flawed thinking about rape

Aurora shooter's mom pleads for mercy: "He has a disease that changed his brain"

David Letterman roasts Scientology again in hilariously random "Going Clear" parody

Rand Paul's climate quackery: A look at the 2016 contender's scary science denial

Scientology and Elisabeth Moss: What the "Mad Men" star isn't talking about in interviews

"It's my 'downstairs mixup'": Comedians hilariously describe their relationships with their periods

Rand on a stick: The Salon guide to Rand Paul's online campaign store

Barack Obama chides Scott Walker: He needs to "bone up on foreign policy"

Chuck Schumer's Iran betrayal: Why his latest shenanigans could give Obama a major headache

"Polarizing" Hillary Clinton is not the problem: The real origins of our divided politics

"Ultrahazardous and abnormally dangerous": Maryland's fighting to keep out the frackers

6 modern-day Christian terrorist groups our media conveniently ignores

7 ludicrous Rand Paul moments that tell you everything you need to know

"His head was chopped off": Seth Meyers discovers why you never invite a "Game of Thrones" character to dinner

Rand Paul is here to take his country back. Who’s going with him?

Nestlé's despicable water-crisis profiteering: How it's making a killing — while California is dying of thirst

"Everything on Rand Paul's website looks like it was written satirically": Twitter's best responses to today's 2016 announcement

My social media asylum: What I learned during my time away from the trolls (and the brunch pics)

Rand Paul is already doomed: The simple reason why he will never, ever be president

Here are all the pretentious literary references "Archer" has ever made

Surprise! Men still outnumber women in top literary outlets -- and for women of color, the news is even worse

"Daily Show" correspondent defends Trevor Noah: "If it wasn’t his tweets, I think they would dig up something"

The top iPhone and iPad apps on App Store