January 04, 2013 Archive January 2013

Software maker faces jail because his product was illegally used

Tim O'Brien tries to make sense of wartime chaos

Internet-connected devices now outnumber people in the U.S.

Gun deaths rampant after Sandy Hook massacre

Hundreds arrested in child pornography probe

Nearly a year after stroke, Kirk returns to Senate

Hillary Clinton to return to work next week

Golden Globes: Amy Poehler roots for "Avatar" and Tina Fey wants best picture

Do millennials care about abortion?

Obama signs NDAA again, disappoints on Gitmo and civil liberties again

Google antitrust claims dropped by FTC

No one wants to see your C-section!

Study: Recessions can be hazardous to kids' health

British xenophobia on the rise

Adrian Lamo opens up about life after turning in Bradley Manning

Illinois Senate delays gay marriage floor vote

CBS drama "Hawaii Five-0" plans choose-your-own ending episode

Far right loses its collective mind over possible gun legislation

Al Jazeera different than Fox?

Dems introduce high-capacity magazine ban in the House

Has Hollywood ruined Tolkien?

Dumb tweet of the day: Colin Powell or Simon Cowell?

Fake-ish singer shills for fake college

Tween booted off Facebook starts his own social network

Vince Gilligan on last episodes of "Breaking Bad": "It’s going to be polarizing"

Rare San Francisco river otter stumps researchers

Michele Bachmann again tries to repeal Obamacare

Progressives don't hold a monopoly on science

The Atlantic takes on the Atlantic's take on online dating

Pick of the week: Beautiful white people hit by tsunami!

Congress: Worst reality TV show ever

Can your iPhone help you lose weight?

Taliban shooting victim Malala Yousufzai leaves UK hospital

Nancy Pelosi to guest star on "30 Rock" season finale

The new conservative purity test

India's top cop calls for rape crackdown

Women's history pioneer Gerda Lerner dies at 92

Economy added 155,000 jobs in December

Indian politician accused of rape is stripped and publicly beaten

Court upholds right to give police the finger

FEMA: Flood money will run out without Congressional action

Hugo Chavez fighting severe lung infection

Illinois gay marriage supporters look to next session

Never-before-seen photo of Princess Di to be auctioned in U.S.

Must-see morning clip

It's time to focus on jobs

Venezuela teetering on the edge over Chavez's health

New Congress, same Republicans

2012's best-selling album is so two years ago

California court: Victim wasn't married, rape conviction reversed

"Star Wars" creator George Lucas engaged

Carding for Sudafed can't solve America's meth problem

Today's jobs report is a mixed bag

Facebook brag about drunk driving gets teen arrested

Barney Frank says he wants Senate appointment

R. Kelly records tribute song for Newtown victims

Idaho senator pleads guilty to DWI charge in Va.

Ann Coulter's astounding gun control diatribe

Amsterdam plans to house "antisocial" tenants in "scum villages"

House approves $9.7 billion in Sandy flood aid

"Portlandia": As good as its best sketch

6 lessons from Google's antitrust win

How conservatives ineptly plotted to oust John Boehner

Hollywood loves Bill O'Reilly?

Wal-Mart to bring questionable oversight to U.S. warehouses

Poll: Obesity's a crisis, but we want our junk food

Zooey Deschanel declares her feminism

House approves $9.7 billion in Sandy aid

Sorry, the Library of Congress isn't displaying your brilliant tweets

Behind India's cultural purdah

Google invades the iPhone

Could Kelsey Grammer and Martin Lawrence be TV's next "Odd Couple"?

Coming eventually: Print your own organs