December 04, 2014 Archive December 2014

Ted Cruz's despicable immigration strategy: Tea Party favorite attempts to drive racial wedge

Enough with the sexy pregnancy nudes already

Paul Ryan hypocrisy watch: Episode infinity

Lady Gaga opens up about being raped: "I was a shell of my former self"

"Speaker Ted Cruz" is back, right on schedule, to make John Boehner's life a nightmare

NY cop will not be indicted for Eric Garner chokehold death

Evolution of a late-night host: A Stephen Colbert retrospective

ALEC doubles down on anti-environmental agenda

GOP beating up its own: Why the right isn't buying Boehner's immigration proposal

They got it all wrong: New data shows how Dems can win back America

Japanese vagina artist arrested again for kayak modeled on her genitalia

Yo La Tengo's model career: This is how to survive as an indie rock band

Ben Carson: I won't back down from Nazi Germany, slavery comparisons

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"The death of the republic": GOP congressman has hysterical reaction to Obama immigration action

The vile right-wing response to Garner's death: Blame Bloomberg and NYC's cigarette tax

Fox News wins the award for most tone-deaf response to Eric Garner grand jury decision

"Not all of us are A-plus students all the time": Life lessons from "Master Chef Junior," TV's most inspiring show

Chris Rock: "I'd rather work with Wes Anderson, but I don't look like Owen Wilson"

Chris Rock's economic bombshell: What his "riots in the streets" prediction says about the American Dream

Gillian Welch: "People make art to deal with the gnarliest, most painful events"

"Still Alice": Julianne Moore's pulpy, Oscar-worthy Alzheimer's role

"I went to strip clubs and got lap dances with the men": Confessions of a "chill girl"

New York Times propagandists exposed: Finally, the truth about Ukraine and Putin emerges

Lando Calrissian and Mace Windu are not enough: Why racial diversity in the new "Star Wars" trilogy matters

Rebecca Solnit: Las Vegas mirrors America's decline

Fox News' racial confusion: What Charles Barkley and Ben Carson could teach Megyn Kelly

"It makes me really depressed": From UVA to Cosby, the rape denial playbook that won't go away

White America's moral disaster: From Eric Garner to Mike Brown, a destructive view of "justice"

"Trashed behind my back": Mark Leibovich on Christie, the art of the profile -- and why he's no Matt Taibbi

Millions of workers illegally paid less than minimum wage, study suggests

"Nothing is shocking": Questlove powerfully responds to Eric Garner grand jury decision

Jon Stewart utterly devastated over Eric Garner: "I honestly don't know what to say"

Three more women come forward with Bill Cosby rape accusations

#CrimingWhileWhite reveals the truth about racial bias and policing

New app lets scientists fact-check the media on climate

Nicki Minaj's radical vulnerability

Jim Webb's identity politics blind spot: What the 2016 hopeful gets wrong about Dems and "interest groups"

Ravens deny suggesting Janay Rice apologize for domestic violence incident

St. Louis County Police's strange response to Tamir Rice death: "Kids will be kids"?

Stephen Colbert and Amy Sedaris are huge fans of "Interstellar"

Peter King's racial hypocrisy: Why this police apologist is the king of privilege

Why we'll (probably) know this month whether Hillary Clinton is running for president

Jameis Winston denies sexual assault allegations, says being falsely accused is just like being raped

Libertarians lost their "moment": GOP's law-and-order old guard still prevailing

Stop trying to make "metropopolis" happen: How Spotify forged a dubious new musical genre

The latest "Star Wars" trailer was cleverly reimagined as a Wes Anderson film

Mary Landrieu's bitter end: Why her complaints about Democrats abandoning her ring so hollow

Want to combat climate change? Eat less meat

Don't make Christoph Waltz a Bond villain: How Hollywood mis-typecast one of the best actors out there

"Treating Latino families like trash": Latino group slams lawsuit against Obama's immigration plan