June 19, 2015 Archive June 2015

Alexander Hamilton nostalgia is actually a thing: Left and right even in weird agreement

Pope Francis vs. vampire capitalism: The real reason why his climate-change encyclical is revolutionary

Rush Limbaugh's downward spiral continues: Another demotion, another step toward irrelevancy

Charleston church massacre: The violence white America must answer for

Brownback and Jindal go down in flames: America's worst governors proven bullies, liars, fools

Only one 2016 candidate is talking about race and gun violence after the Charleston massacre

8 atheist leaders actually worth listening to

"Dope": This provocative (and hilarious) black-nerd odyssey might be this year's perfect summer film

Jeb's medieval politics of shame: Upholding a long tradition of keeping women and girls in line

"Young black men are human beings": This murdered black teen's parents have a message for America

It's not about mental illness: The big lie that always follows mass shootings by white males

AP NewsAlert

10 definitive ways Europe is better than America

7 tips that guarantee an unforgettable one-night stand

7 lies about red meat the food industry wants you to believe

Jeb Bush's laughable makeover: Dynasty candidate slams "pampered elites"

America's Iraq strategy is a trillion-dollar tragicomedy

Marco Rubio's supply-side problem: Why anti-tax fanatics have it in for him

Two cheers for Pope Francis: I'm no fan of the Catholic Church -- but the climate movement needs it

This is American terrorism: White supremacy's brutal, centuries-long campaign of violence

Fox News is wrong about Charleston: Religion isn't a victim of the massacre, it's a weapon

Florist spots Hyundai at light, helps catch shooting suspect

10 Things to Know for Today

NRA board member blames Charleston Pastor Clementa Pinckney for his own death

"A woman with the heart of a tiger": My mother risked everything to flee from the Khmer Rouge with her children

How Pope Francis just destroyed the GOP's religious con artists

Stephen Colbert roars back: Donald Trump evisceration suggests GOP clown car in for a world of hurt

Paul Krugman: Jeb Bush's economic policies could turn the entire country into a failed Kansas-style "experiment"

"Crazy people will be able to get their hands on guns": Legal expert Adam Winkler on why outright gun bans won't prevent another Charleston

Jon Stewart delivers powerful, sobering Charleston monologue: "We still won't do jack sh*t"

Brian Williams gives first interview since suspension: "This was clearly ego-driven"

Bill O'Reilly attacks friend of deceased pastor for linking Fox News' rhetoric to Charleston massacre

Larry Wilmore blasts right-wing response to Charleston: "Fox News just makes my f*cking head explode”

Fox News host seriously asks: "Should pastors pack heat in church?"

Watch Tina Fey and Amy Schumer smooch at the Peabodys

Wall Street Journal: Please ignore the Confederate flag on the South Carolina capitol -- institutionalized racism "no longer exists" in the South

The Kochs dictate their terms: What their new GOP candidate quiz says about the plutocrats' agenda

Watch "True Detectives" Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell interrogate each other about their deepest, darkest secrets

"Porn isn't bad -- how people will treat you for the rest of your life is": Ex-adult actress urges women to stay away from the sex industry

Dylann Roof tells police he "almost didn't" kill 9 people in a Charleston church because "everyone was so nice"

Rand Paul's demented promise: I'll do to America what Sam Brownback did to Kansas

"To the sensationalists, liars and race-baiters -- we are done with you": Louisville police union president pens despicable letter

Alaska's climate hell: Record heat, wildfires and melting glaciers signal a scary new normal

Valar morghulis!: Here's a supercut of every single death we saw this season of "Game Of Thrones"

Judge bans woman from breastfeeding because she got tattooed

NBC made Brian Williams the court jester of network news: "I had to be sharper, funnier, quicker than anybody else"

Jeb Bush's pathetic Charleston dodge: "I don't know" if white supremacist suspect was motivated by racism

Obama's fast-track gamble: Counting on John Boehner to keep his word

The GOP's staggering Charleston cowardice: Why are so many Republicans so scared of admitting the truth?

Richard Dawkins come to defense of misogynistic Nobel laureate Tim Hunt

It's over for the Clintons and The Donald: Inside 2016's most tragic development

Stephen Colbert is a Toby Keith fanboy: Watch him make his country singing debut with "As Good As I Once Was"

Lindsey Graham: The Confederate flag is "part of who we are" in South Carolina -- even if "it's a racist symbol"

The union-buster's next crusade: Scott Walker takes a big step toward running for president

8 times comedians helped us deal with tragedy

Fox News and the NRA are ill: "The gun rights people have been deceptive in using these incidents for their own benefit"

"Blacks in America have lived with terrorism for centuries": Monstrous history at the heart of the Charleston massacre

Of course Richard Dawkins comes to Tim Hunt's defense: Protesting sexism isn't a "baying witch-hunt," except in his own mind

Erick Erickson: Responsibility for the Charleston massacre falls squarely at the feet of...Caitlyn Jenner?

Louis C.K. told Lorne Michaels "f*ck you" when he tried to cut his controversial "SNL" monologue