February 25, 2016 Archive February 2016

"I’m just weeping and weeping": Thao Nguyen on how Marilynne Robinson's "Gilead" set the tone for her new album

America, you're stupid: Donald Trump's political triumph makes it official — we're a nation of idiots

The top 5 jabs from Oscar's meanest voter: "I rule out Leonardo immediately because it's a ridiculous performance"

Marco Rudy-o: After getting thumped in Nevada, Rubio is betting on Giuliani's losing strategy of 2008

Conservatives in a complete meltdown after Trump wins his third straight election: "I'd support Rick Perry in a third party run"

Democrats are afraid to speak the truth about Hillary: She's the embodiment of white privilege, while Sanders has earned his success

Electionconfessions.com: "I tell everyone that I hate Trump but I'm going to vote for him!"

This picture posted on Instagram reveals a racist double standard: full lips are beautiful for white women but not for black women

Air travel is hell — and it's only getting worse: Bench seats are the new "solution" to cramming as many bodies as possible onto a plane

Watch President Obama's point-by-point rebuttal of Republicans' Supreme Court obstructionism

Salon's 20 Years With Oscar

If you love the planet, you might not want to vote for Cruz or Trump: Here's a rundown of where the presidential candidates stand on climate change

Profit over the planet: WTO's lawsuit ruling could be a giant blow to the renewable energy movement

Beyond condoms: 4 more ways to cut the risk of catching an STD

"Queer sexual bodies are despised": Garth Greenwell on writing his debut novel and why everything comes back to Kentucky for him, "for better and for worse"

R.E.M.'s leap of faith: 25 years later, every curveball on "Out of Time" makes perfect sense

Chris Rock is ready: The Oscar host's historic opportunity is the moment his entire career has led toward

Noam Chomsky: Donald Trump is a natural product of neoliberalism

"Baghdad by the Bay": San Francisco is slowly devolving into a crypto police state

Hillary is anything but "inevitable": The political press is lying to you about her delegate lead

Mass sperm whale deaths across Europe leave scientists stumped

Leave Yelp's "entitled millennial" alone: Piling on a "lazy" 20-something is easier than questioning unchecked corporate greed

This is what political insanity looks like: The idea of a Clinton-Kasich "dream ticket" is rooted in fantasy and confusion over what the candidates stand for

Rubio might want to tell Mitt to stand back: Why a Romney endorsement could be the death knell to Rubio's fading campaign

77 years of Hollywood whitewashing: A history of white actors taking roles meant for actors of color

Fight the soulless juggernaut: Big money, machine politics and the real issue separating Sanders and Clinton

Wow, Trevor Noah just called out Ben Carson: "What makes you the arbiter of black?"

"Finally, a presidential candidate who has the exact same plan as the Ninja Turtles"

Stephen Colbert opens up on Donald Trump: "I'm not sure if I'm horrified or entertained"

"When I returned home, it was another hell": Now's the time to talk about what we do after Guantánamo

"People understand that the game is rigged": Ice cream icon Jerry Greenfield explains why he's sweet on Bernie for prez

Another Common Core disaster: Corporate-education reformer John King is exactly the wrong man to be secretary of education

"Black-ish” is fearless: Its brilliant take on police brutality mixes heartbreak and hope

"I'm not a Superpredator, Hillary!": Black Lives Matter protestors confront Clinton at South Carolina fundraiser

Donald Trump is an evil genius: How he abandoned political strategy and won over the GOP's bloodthirsty base

Abortion access Is vanishing: Clinics are closing at a rapid pace and shameless conservative legislators are gunning for what's left

Conservative, anti-choice customers force Lands' End to scrub interview with Gloria Steinem

Pregnant Chrissy Teigen shuts down haters who don't understand fertility science: "I also picked the embryo with a taste for bacon"

Extreme right-wing talker Michael Savage wants credit for Donald Trump's rise: I'm "the architect of Trump's messaging"

Facebook's new "like" minefield: You can "wow" a friend's post now — whatever that means

Student banned from St. Louis school because he's black

Ted Cruz is a lying liar: The label's sticking and finally sinking his campaign

Ted Cruz is the GOP's loneliest a-hole: His campaign is sinking because literally nobody likes him

Former KKK head David Duke to followers: Voting against Donald Trump is "treason to your heritage”

Meryl Streep defends her "we're all Africans" blunder: "I was not minimizing difference"

More than half of the Oscars given to black actors were for stereotypical roles

Hispanics are still anti-GOP: Poll shows how little progress Republicans have made with Latino voters

The flailing, incompetent GOP establishment: Reince Priebus' new plan to control Trump is pathetic