March 31, 2016 Archive March 2016

Jonathan Franzen and Louis C.K. on "Jeopardy!": Sounds like an "SNL" sketch, but it's real and it's going to be fascinating

“World’s biggest bribe scandal”: Report on oil corruption exposes how corporations help destabilize Middle East

Thomas the Tank Engine, neocolonial fantasy: What his new international pals, and the backlash against them, signal

"He has no idea what he's doing": Twitter tears into Trump for suggesting "some form of punishment" for women who get illegal abortions

Why Hollywood isn't the hero for shutting down Georgia's anti-LGBT bill

This could be the first bona fide sex scandal of the 2016 election

Donald Trump says he wants to punish women who have abortions, making him just like every other "pro-life" politician

When is a band not itself anymore?: As bands age and line-ups shift, fans get to decide

Stop killing off TV's lesbians: This depressing trope limits storytelling about queer women

The dark side of "visibility": How we slept on trans people becoming the new scapegoats of the right

America's next sexual frontier: The "nipplegasm"

The Democrats own this mess too: Gerrymandering and obstructionism alone can't explain American inequality

Trial and error: Report finds prosecutors rarely pay price for misconduct

Robert Reich: They've marginalized Bernie at every turn

Anti-choice witch-hunts: The movement turns to McCarthyist tactics to intimidate women and doctors

Camille Paglia's history of music: The politics and poetry of Bob Dylan, Marvin Gaye and hip-hop

Hillary Clinton's new ad targeting Donald Trump: Is being kind of "meh" a good thing?

The scariest thing about Donald Trump's abortion comments

Fellow Republicans going hard after the front-runner: Physical violence is "the consequence of Trump culture"

Fox News contributors continue to tear into each other: "Clinton could wear a Confederate flag pantsuit with a Nazi button and you'd support her" over Trump

"Donald Trump is looking out for exactly one guy" — himself: Elizabeth Warren perfectly explains the billionaire's motivations on Colbert

Kasich finally lands a semi-good jab on Trump: "Donald ought to be happy that Jon Stewart’s not running 'The Daily Show'"

"Laws like these legalize discrimination": Seth Meyers destroys the anti-LGBTQ bills Republicans have pushed in North Carolina and Georgia

Sean Hannity denies Trump culture is violent by claiming if he attended a Trump protest, he would "get killed, because I fight back"

Fallout from Alabama sex tape scandal hits woman first: GOP governor refuses to resign after top aide forced out

How not to write about race: TV anchor fired after stunningly insensitive post about "young black men" with "multiple siblings from multiple fathers"

This is only the beginning: Nate Silver explains how Donald Trump has "hacked the system" and created a roadmap for future political con men

Anti-choicers, you're not fooling anybody: Now they're trying to exploit Donald Trump's gaffe by pretending their misogynist views are "moderate"

New York is about to become a madhouse: Why this unexpectedly fierce primary is going to get very interesting

Even worse than we imagined: Sea levels will rise nearly double the previously considered "worst-case scenario," devastating study reveals

Even a cartoon Trump is no joke: Colbert's mock interview shows how dominant the GOP frontrunner has become

"Our people will not be forced back into the closet": North Carolinians are fiercely battling hateful anti-LGBT law

Donald Trump's Social Security heresy: Taking on Paul Ryan and the privatization push

Trevor Noah fires back at John Kasich: "Daily Show" host lobs Kasich's Trump grenade right back at him

This video is an amazing rundown of Donald Trump's ever changing stance on abortion

This amazing Supreme Court theory could probably never happen (but maybe it should)

Report: Trump executive charged with assaulting young mother of two

From Russia with love: Rupert Murdoch's third ex-wife, Wendi Deng, is rumored to be dating Vladimir Putin

Hey Democrats, Marco Rubio is your friend: Rubio's bid to keep his delegates guarantees a ruinous GOP convention

"The suffering is staggering": 6 Yemeni children killed or wounded daily in U.S.-backed Saudi war; millions face catastrophe

Vladimir Putin might be dating Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife and we have lots of questions

The Arizona Secretary of State confirmed election fraud occurred in the state's primary

Piers Morgan, arbiter of feminism and cleavage, throws prissy fit at Kim Kardashian: "Pretending that topless bird-flicking selfies promote feminism is ridiculous"

Bernie's miracle path to victory: Nate Silver crunches the numbers on a Sanders win

Man offers free hugs at Sanders and Trump rallies and gets shockingly different responses

Someone thought this was a good idea: Mississippi Senate passes bill allowing churches to form militias