November 16, 2016 Archive November 2016

Twitter adds new options to curb abuse, harassment

Paul Ryan wants to forget Breitbart News repeatedly slammed him in 2016: "I’m not looking backward, I’m looking forward"

So many turkeys on the road: AAA predicts Thanksgiving travel will reach 9-year high

Donald Trump's transition team doesn't want former aide, CNN contributor Corey Lewandowski to join

Look Again: The day's most compelling images from around the globe

We're not going back: Diversity is the new normal, too

Look to 2018: The midterm elections could be the most important one for the Democrats yet

An unreasonable amount of people are searching "Tiffany Trump" on Pornhub

BULLSH**TER OF THE DAY: Ben Carson, for finally admitting he belongs nowhere near the White House

Watch: General Motors' affordable electric car

WATCH: Stephen Apkon speaks about the "power of non-violence" and his new film "Disturbing the Peace"

Leonard Cohen's impact: From the '60s to indie rockers and beyond

"Maya" in my America: Illusions of truth about art, culture and immigrant anger

History repeating: PBS' "Black America Since MLK" shows progress made and lost

My first week in Donald Trump's America: There's work to be done, but we gon' be alright

Three common arguments for preserving the Electoral College – and why they're wrong

Look Again: The day's most compelling images from around the globe

Last stand for coal: The industry's days may be numbered, even as they try to invest more

What will Donald Trump do about Hillary Clinton's wars?

Mind the generation Gap: Struggling clothing retailer Gap Inc. has been overtaken by fashion trends and its youth-friendly competition

Voter suppression helped make Donald Trump president — now he'll make it worse

Secretary of which state? Rudy Giuliani, America's mayor, has worked for many countries not named America

Harry Reid calls on Donald Trump to fire Steve Bannon: "Rise to the dignity of the office"

From 9/11 to 11/9: Is Donald Trump's election collateral damage from the "War on Terror"?

U.S. forces may have committed war crimes, says International Criminal Court

Worst potential Trump pick of all? It might be anti-immigration guru Jeff Sessions as attorney general

In Donald Trump's America, fear, violence and intimidation are taking over college campuses

Donald Trump's transition team is in a "Stalinesque purge" as part of Jared Kushner's revenge plot against Chris Christie

Ex-George W. Bush counselor warns conservatives to stay away from Donald Trump administration filled with "unquestioning loyalty"

Here's a scary phrase for you: Attorney General Ted Cruz

Donald Trump doesn't sleep, but instead watches "enormous amounts of television"

Mike Pence drains Donald Trump's swamp, looks to purge transition team of lobbyists

Twitter takes action: Alt-right leader Richard Spencer says his suspension is "corporate Stalinism"

Bob Dylan won't be going to Sweden to get his Nobel Prize for literature

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer to lead Senate

Donald Trump ditches press pool so he can tell people at a fancy steak house he'll lower their taxes

Oath Keepers: "Communist" anti-Donald Trump protesters "completely unprepared to back up their bold assertions"

Minnesota police officer charged with second-degreee manslaughter for shooting Philando Castile

Steve Bannon reported to the FBI for allegedly violating campaign finance laws

The Force was awakened: Carrie Fisher had an affair with Harrison Ford while filming "Star Wars"

Donald Trump's campaign wants to create an Obama-like grassroots group