August 06, 2015 Archive August 2015

What if the Democratic presidential primary were as bizarre as the GOP one currently is?

Kristen Stewart schools Jesse Eisenberg on the art of sexist interviewing in spot-on "Funny or Die" video

Jon Stewart's uneasy legacy: He was the avenging angel of cable news — but cable news is still a total disaster

Hollywood’s diversity crisis is even worse than we thought: Straight white men still rule, on screen and off

The indefensible Hiroshima revisionism that haunts America to this day

Conservative relatives can't let the Planned Parenthood "scandal" go? Try these talking points

"People talk about political correctness as if they are being oppressed": Bobcat Goldthwait on the healing powers of dark comedy, getting sober and the legendary comedian-activist Barry Crimmins

Fox News defeated Jon Stewart: Hosting "The Daily Show" might be the hardest gig in comedy — and it's clearly taken its toll

How Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley spawned Jon Stewart, Bill O'Reilly and all the horrors of TV news

4 ways John Oliver nails America's disastrous War on Drugs

The insidious violence of #AllLivesMatter

Beyond Cecil the Lion: The grisly and unethical world of wildlife killing contests

Bernie Sanders is no Barack Obama: Even if he wins Iowa & New Hampshire, he's unlikely to dethrone Clinton

"He should be forced to take an IQ test": Donald Trump's sickest burns of his 2016 rivals

Dry your eyes, America: We should be glad Jon Stewart is leaving "The Daily Show"

"Daily Show" classics: Jon Stewart reveals why he got into comedy in the first place

Donald Trump is America: Why the bloviating billionaire is the national embarrassment we deserve

"Two million dead on the side of the patriots": How Alex Jones's "Jade Helm" conspiracy theory got very dangerous very fast

Watch Obama absolutely eviscerate critics of the Iran nuclear deal

Louis C.K. gives Jon Stewart a heartwarming send-off: "One of the greatest comedy achievements of all time"

Rachel Maddow explores how Bill Clinton could doom Donald Trump's presidential hopes

GOP debate ends with a question from God and a series of very creepy non-answers from candidates

Jon Stewart “eviscerates” 16-plus years of hyperbolic "Daily Show" headlines and it is literally the greatest thing you will ever see in your life

Here are the 14 best impressions Jon Stewart ever did on "The Daily Show"

Bill O’Reilly shows Jon Stewart some love: “Stewart actually thinks about things from time to time"

Noted "Daily Show" nemesis Arby's "roasts" itself with a $230,000 tribute ad to Jon Stewart

Miles Teller and "Fantastic Four" cast slam Esquire profile: There's nothing "cool or entertaining about being a dick"

Civil war in Trumpland: Donald Trump's staffers and family members are turning on each other

NYC cops tell woman filing rape report "maybe you're a party girl": Yet another lesson in how not to talk about sexual assault

“Going Clear” director slams Jon Stewart for avoiding Scientology during Tom Cruise interview: “Human rights are more important than Hollywood stunts on the wing of an airplane"

We already know the GOP debate's big loser: Why Reince Priebus is in for more humiliation

Roger Ailes takes a giant swing at Jon Stewart: “Fox News beats him”

Bernie Sanders is stumping at Jerry Falwell's university. Here's why

Rand's cockamamie conspiracy theory: With top allies under indictment, Rand thinks DOJ is out to get him

America's most disturbing summer tradition: Agitating for wars and then pretending they don't exist

NFL team mansplains football to female fans with "gameday style tips" and "creative culinary creations"

Ann Coulter's latest racist tirade is bad even by her standards: "There’s a cultural acceptance of child rape in Latino culture"

Jeb Bush calls Donald Trump an "a**hole"

The GOP freakshow is upon us: Why tonight's Fox News debates could make "Lord of the Flies" look like a picnic

Republicans' terrifying climate denial: Tonight's debate will showcase the GOP at its anti-science worst

Mindy Kaling nails the secret to success: "Work hard, know your sh*t, show your sh*t"

"Most of Nagasaki's residents had no warning": The day we dropped the bomb

Jon Stewart fought the good fight during the Bush era: "You had the mainstream media ... reduced to taking seriously the garbage that was coming out of the right"