December 10, 2015 Archive December 2015

Sean Hannity's searing hypocrisy: Having conservative beliefs is only OK if you're a Christian

S.E. Cupp and Trump spokeswoman brawl over Muslim immigration ban: "So what? They're Muslim!"

Abigail Fisher deserves an 'F' for her race-baiting Supreme Court case aimed at boosting subpar white students

Patricia Arquette urges action on the gender pay gap with an inclusive call-to-arms: "It was never about only actresses or white women to me"

The blinding irrelevance of Time magazine: Why Angela Merkel as "Person of the Year" just proves its love affair with power

Bieber’s “Internet crush” stunt is creepy, not cute: It’s hard enough being a woman online without Beliebers tracking you down

Jimmy Carter's cancer treatment saved my life, too

Erick Erickson's mother calls him a liar: "Somebody is making that up about my son" she said of his tweet about boycotting "Asian" food on December 7th

My daughter is not Tashfeen Malik

Trump sets his own campaign on fire: The Donald's increasingly insane behavior is all part of a strategy

Stop texting like this: How 1 extra character turns a plain message into a passive-aggressive dig

Can we call it "terrorism" yet? Suspected Planned Parenthood shooter says "I'm a warrior for the babies"

"There shouldn't be any plastic in our water, period": The microbeads we flush down the drain daily to be phased out

I used to laugh off Donald Trump: As a Muslim, a U.S. citizen and a veteran, I’m not laughing anymore

Let's have a war on football: Greed, brain damage, tax breaks to billionaires and the debate we need to have about the NFL

"The Big Short": Financial catastrophe considered as a star-studded postmodern farce — where the joke's on us

VIDEO: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl tells his side of the story in "Serial" season 2

Donald Trump is devouring the GOP whole, and Fox News is feeding it to him

5 outrageously expensive (and completely useless) defense projects your tax dollars are subsidizing right now

Facebook is annihilating your self-esteem, and you're not alone

The truth about Dick Cheney vs. Donald Trump: Why the former dark lord of the GOP still can't be trusted

Why Barack Obama is still our best hope for doing something about guns in America

Donald Trump is the GOP now: Sorry, Bob Dole, and even Dick Cheney. This is your party

Larry Wilmore's WTF moment: When Marco Rubio asks for evidence of discrimination of Muslims

Trevor Noah mocks Donald Trump's joke about banging his daughter: "Thousands were laughing on a rooftop in Jersey, I saw it"

Meet the "British Bernie Sanders": Now this is how you push back against the right

Where was Donald Trump radicalized?: The hate-spewing candidate proves any ideology can lead to radicalization

You helped create this monster: The smug, shallow media that helped build the Donald Trump Frankenstein

Bill O'Reilly attacks Donald Trump for his Muslim immigration ban: "You're hurting the USA's position against ISIS!"

Always brash, "South Park" gets brave: From kids with guns to the P.C. principal, this was their most compelling — and self-aware — season

Donald Trump cancels trip to Israel after PM Benjamin Netanyahu denounces his Islamophobic immigration plan

Donald Trump is breaking the white supremacist internet: Stormfront forced to upgrade servers to deal with Trump traffic surge

Sarah Palin defends Donald Trump in the least useful, but most hilarious, way possible: He's saying the same racist things I said in '09!

Being really, really, ridiculously good looking can hold you back at work

It's not compassion — sadism and control is what's driving anti-choice extremists

Ted Cruz finally gets dirty at closed door fundraiser: Cruz quietly questions Donald Trump's "judgment" to lead

Harrison Ford mocks Donald Trump's presidential fantasies: "Air Force One" was just "a movie, it's not like this in real life, but how would you know?"

No, Burt Reynolds, Charlie Sheen doesn't "deserve" HIV: Why "I don't feel bad for him" is the wrong answer to the wrong question

Aziz Ansari's best actor nod: What the Golden Globes tell us about biology, popularity and its rewards

Camille Paglia slams Taylor Swift's #GirlSquad: "Retire that obnoxious Nazi Barbie routine"

Barry Schweid, legendary AP correspondent, dies at 83

"Serial" season 2: The Bowe Bergdahl saga is off to a powerful and strange start

Unhinged Trump supporter claims the Donald "knows what I'm thinking": "He's speaking our minds. Our minds!"

Donald Trump is making Ann Coulter irrelevant: Why the rise of American fascism has rendered far-right pundits obsolete

A Golden Globes victory for women: There's life and prestige after 40 for actresses, after all

Stephen Colbert takes apart Donald Trump's ban on Muslims

If this is what a "Rubio surge" looks like, Republicans really are screwed

Rep. Steve King challenges Muslim American Congressman's allegiance to the U.S.: "Which is superior, the Constitution or Sharia law?"

Right-wing media spreads blatant lies, smearing Muslim-American Air Force vet as ISIS member with zero evidence