March 18, 2016 Archive March 2016

The night the Rolling Stones fired Donald Trump: Keith Richards once pulled a knife to get the GOP-frontrunner out of Atlantic City venue

The gangster candidate: Donald Trump and his supporters behave like the mafia, with veiled threats and acting above the law

Reefer Madness lives: Witness 3 of the maddest, most over-the-top objections to the "killer weed"

Art illuminates loneliness: "The experience of loneliness, particularly urban loneliness, is intensely visual"

"I’m a different animal now": “The Mommy Group” author gets real about having kids and how America needs to change to support mothers

Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan's Vanity Fair embrace: To understand the photo's polarizing responses, start with #OscarsSoWhite

The right's shocking admission: Stunned by Trump's dominance, some GOP pundits concede that Dems have been right about Republicans all along

The SeaWorld sea change: Will the marine park's about-face signal a shift in how we think about animal captivity?

Hillary must answer for Honduras: Another assassination raises more questions about her involvement in coup

The odds of your falling into poverty in America are truly sobering

5 foreign policy questions we'll never ask our presidential candidates

Racism is their best weapon: How the 1 percent divided the American people and conquered the country

If you want me to vote for Hillary, "she needs to come left to get it”: Not the traditionally "undecided," these potential voters are frustrated — and may stay home

Christian right in decline: Religious conservatives have become so belligerent and greedy, people are turning against them

Stuck with Ted: The GOP establishment is grudgingly, reluctantly joining Team Cruz

"He refuses to listen to reason": Trevor Noah delivers the Mitch McConnell takedown you need to see

This is how the GOP will steal 2016: Seth Meyers explains the secret Republican voter suppression plan

Paul Krugman: The Republican elite lost the white middle class to Trump because they can't handle the truth

U.S. quiet as ally Bahrain imprisons human rights activist with her infant for tearing up photo of king

If you think Donald Trump is scary, get a load of Ted Cruz's foreign policy team

Obama can still repair his compromised legacy on abortion rights -- but nominating Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court didn't help

Don't rewrite LGBT history: If we erase the truths of our past struggles, we're doomed to repeat them

The secret history of Trump's hellish campaign rallies: How the right paved the way for the chaos we now see

Vile Jesse Watters admits he targets "younger kids" who look politically ignorant for ritual humiliation on Fox News

Fox News' Kimberly Guilfoyle slams "Black Lives Matter": You don't hear the Irish shouting "Irish Lives Matter" because they "got over" racism

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke convinced Donald Trump will make Adolf Hitler great again

"She needs to come across as softer, gentler": Coverage of Hillary Clinton was sexist in 2008 and not enough has changed

David Brooks: Trump's "precisely the kind of scapegoating, promise-making, fear-driving and deceiving demagogue" the Founders feared

Bernie's last card to play to take out Hillary: It's time to unleash his inner socialist

Stephen Colbert buries Marco Rubio, dismisses his failed candidacy in one final burst of mockery

Ayn Rand's warped superheroes: Of course Zack Snyder's vision of "greatness" owes everything to "The Fountainhead"

Iggy Azalea tries for a comeback: Can she recover from her rapid fall from pop culture grace?

Star power to fight the Flint crisis: Green For All's campaign with Mark Ruffalo and Van Jones to help residents of the suffering city

Lindsey Graham buries the Republican "rebrand": The GOP officially gives up on expanding its demographic appeal

Check out scenes from the documentary that brought down the killer whale captive breeding program at SeaWorld

The GOP's impossible dilemma: Stop Trump without further infuriating a large chunk of the party's already angry base

The secret to Trump's success: New research sheds light on the GOP front-runner's stunning staying power

Why the GOP's Merrick Garland strategy could be a disaster for Republicans

Divorce is a good thing: Americans have become too judgmental about marital separation — you must accept that not all marriages work out

3 reasons why Bernie Sanders won't give up

Hillary Clinton doesn't get it: Paul Krugman, Bernie Sanders and the truth about the free trade scam

Sole surviving Paris attack suspect Salah Abdeslam captured in Brussels raid

Conservatives turn on Erick Erickson for jumping aboard #NeverTrump: "Don't give us any pious baloney"

The media's indefensible Trump cowardice: How CNN & NPR shirked their obligation to the truth

This is why Donald Trump's winning: What right-wing media doesn't understand about rage, the economy and the white working class

David Wain, master of shorts: "I’ve always loved the challenge of what you can pack into a small package of time"

Stop laughing at Jared Fogle: Prison violence isn't a joke — no matter how reviled the target

The "Kurt Cobain was murdered" brigade is back: Photos of his suicide gun reignite conspiracy theories

GOP SCOTUS obstructionism already beginning to crack: Illinois Republican calls on his colleagues to “man up and cast a vote"